Infinite Limits the Blog Tour Day 2: Getting to the Author an Interview

Whew, Day Two is upon us and with that accompanies an exciting event an all exclusive interview with our very own Megan Duke! I thought I should add the interview before any reviews or book talks so you guys could have some inside knowledge of the author. And to be frank or better, candor (hehe), she is pretty darn awesome.

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Yes, lets dive right in! Woohoo!

1) What are all the books you have written?

When I was in high school, I wrote the first two books in The Mind Breaker Accounts trilogy. This is the series I’ll be re-releasing in 2015. But my most notable works are the Small Circles books (Small Circles, Three Sixty, Ninety Degrees, and Infinite Limits).

2) What genre are your books?

The Small Circles books are all contemporary/coming of age Young Adult. The Mind Breaker books will be sci-fi/fantasy and in the New Adult category.

3) What draws you to this genre?

I love writing coming of age stories. That’s where my heart truly thrives. I have a strong passion for writing true stories about young people. It’s such a complicated and amazing time in everyone’s life.

4) What are your ambitions for your writing career?

Being an independent author, I would love to actually make it onto the shelves of a major book seller like Barnes and Noble. And to make it onto any bestseller list would be a dream come true. I want to share my stories with as many people as possible. 

5) When did you decide to become a writer?

I’ve one of those people that’s written frivolously since I was very young. However, I didn’t take it seriously until my junior year of high school. That’s when I focused on starting my first novel. It took me three years to finish it, and after I decided to leave school, I jumped into the publishing world for the first time.

6) What made you decide to sit down and actually start Small Circles?

Small Circles is a story that I felt needed to be told. Writing it was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done. I felt like the words were writing themselves. But when it comes down to the first idea, Larson Ashby’s character was what really shaped the story.

6) Which writers inspire you?

John Green is my biggest inspiration. I highly admire the way he puts himself out there to really make a difference in people’s lives. I don’t ever want to be one of those authors that sits behind their desk and never goes out in public. I want to actually see the people I’m affecting. And he does that in so many different creative ways.

7) Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors?

I’m a MASSIVE reader. My favorites authors include John Green, Morgan Matson, Lauren Oliver, and Jandy Nelson. 

8) What book/s are you reading at present and what is your favorite genre?

Currently, I am reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Steifvater. 

I’m a huge contemporary fan, mostly because I like to educate myself in the same genre I write. But when it comes to fantasy, I have a thing for angels and demons. Some of my favorite series are The Mortal Instruments, Hush, Hush, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and Angelfall. 

9) What is your favorite writing motivational quote?

This isn’t specific to writing, but there’s a quote that I found recently that say, “Whatever makes you happy, do it more.” Writing is what truly makes me happy, so I remind myself of that every day.

10) What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Stick with it. It’s a long road, but if you really love something, nothing should get in your way. I have been struggling with balancing my day job and having the time to focus on my books. It’s very frustrating when you find yourself not at the place you want to be in life, but you have to keep reminding yourself that in the end all the hard work will be worth it. 

11) What was the hardest thing about writing Infinite Limits?

Concluding all of the characters’ stories what hard. I wanted to make sure the right amount of light was shown on each of them. In the end, I’m happy with the result. I hope everyone else is too.

12) From the beginning did you know how your series was going to end?

I didn’t. Small Circles was supposed to be a stand alone novel. But when I was finished, something told me that Audrina’s story wasn’t finished. There was so much to her character that no one knew but me, and I didn’t think that was fair. This led to creating Silas, because I knew people would want to know how Larson ended up after Owen. Then came Silas’ back story. And thus a series was born.

13) Do you see yourself writing more books?

I will continue to write for the rest of my life. There is nothing else I’d rather do. There are notebooks in my room full of ideas for future projects. I don’t think I’ll ever not be inspired.

Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?

Hmmm, I don’t think so. There is a common question concerning the Small Circles books and their reading order. I posted about it yesterday. People are often confused because Three Sixty is a companion and Ninety Degrees is a precursor. But I always tell people the books are best read in publication order. Small Circles, Three Sixty, Ninety Degrees, and Infinite Limits

14) How can readers discover more about you and you work?

All of my books can be purchased most online distributors (B&, Amazon, Book Depository, and all ebook platforms).

Facebook: Megan Duke Books
Twitter: @MeganDukeBooks
Amazon Author Page:
Instagram: MeganDukeBooks

Isn’t she just great! I always feel proud to support Megan and I will continue to do so. I’d like to take a moment to say thank you to Megan Duke for agreeing to this interview!

Well, this is all for Day 2 of #10InfiniteWeeks, expect tomorrow a review (non spoiler) of Small Circles  I hope you all have a wonderful night an happy reading, now GO FORTH AND BE AWESOME!

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